Sorting machines

C+M Tramec AG

Sorting machines

C+M Tramec AG

High Performance Measuring and Sorting Machines for Rollers

Measu­ring and subse­quent grading/sorting of roller bodies is a essen­ti­al compo­nent in the manu­fac­tu­ring process of the bearing indus­try. CENSOR measu­ring and sort­ing machi­nes do fulfill the requi­re­ments concer­ning quali­ty, speed an precision.

Great efforts have been made in the bearing indus­try for many years to control the grin­ding process in such a way as to redu­ce or even to elimi­na­te the measu­ring and grading process of roller bodies altog­e­ther. Nevert­hel­ess in very many cases in terms of quali­ty control and assu­rance there is no alter­na­ti­ve to using measu­ring and sort­ing machi­nes. Also requi­re­ments of measu­ring capa­bi­li­ties are rising steadily.

Using CENSOR sort­ing machi­nes we can offer you precis­i­on down to the sub micron.

Depen­ding on the respec­ti­ve product range /diameter range / length range we are in a posi­ti­on to propo­se and offer suita­ble sort­ing machi­nes to fulfill the requi­re­ments of our customers.

Our product line CENSOR is used successful­ly for deca­des in the bearing indus­try. Prac­ti­cal orien­ta­ti­on and perma­nent inno­va­tions are guaran­tors for the fact that the CENSOR sort­ing machi­nes do meet the highest requi­re­ments of our customers.

Follo­wing rolling elements can be measu­red and sorted fully auto­ma­ti­cal­ly in high performance

  • Balls
  • Need­les
  • Taper rollers
  • Cylind­ri­cal rollers
  • Sphe­ri­cal rollers

Special solu­ti­ons
Our expe­ri­ence enables to compi­le suita­ble special solu­ti­ons to your special requests.

CENSOR Survey of machi­ne range
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